You are a vibration of energy. Your energy is influenced by the subconscious codes within your mind. These codes are the thoughts that you hold on a subconscious level. As a result, you attract various energy. This energy attraction often occurs on autopilot without your awareness.
The fact is that you want to have your subconscious coding working for you to attract the energy that you desire. Why? It has been revealed by study, research, and science that 95 to 99 percent of your life is controlled by your subconscious mind. This means that most of your daily life is being run by your subconscious mind and only a small percentage of the conscious mind plays a role in it.
The great news is that you have the power. Self-enhancement is a journey, and you need the resources to continue to grow and maximize each day. We have designed proven, powerful, and innovative techniques we call subconscious coding that allow you to tap into the supercomputer of your mind. Our formulas have been created with the right coding to allow you to change your subconscious mind. In our subliminal recordings, we use specific subliminal commands that are eventually programmed right into your subconscious mind. These subliminal recordings feature brainwave technology with precise frequencies and original sounds to give you powerful results. We use an effective multidimensional approach to change your thought patterns for lasting results. Do yourself a favor and invest in yourself today and be elevated!
Your Brilliant Brainwaves
Ever wondered what your brain is doing when you are in deep thought? Or, when you are experiencing a sea of deep emotion? Well, no matter what cognitive activity you are engaged in, the neurons in your brain are consistently communicating with each other. These neurons form electrical activity in the brain commonly referred to as brainwaves. These brainwaves can be measured with highly sophisticated machines like EEG machines.
Frequencies of Your Brain
During your day, your brain waves change based on what you are emotionally feeling and doing. Your brainwaves are categorized in various frequencies and the speed of your brain is measured in hertz. Some of these frequencies are low and some are high. In essence, you are a vibrating field of energy.
Understanding Your Brainwaves
You have your own dominant brain vibration patterns; however, you can change your vibration at any moment. We have designed tools to give you the advantage to change your vibration and live the awesome life you deserve. Below are the various associated brain states.
Delta state (0 to 3.99 HZ)
· Body healing mode and internal clock resetting
· Deep dreamless beauty sleep
· Rejuvenation and vitality
· Promotion of health and well being
· Sleep recovery
Fun Fact: The Delta state is the slowest of the brain states.
Theta state (4 to 7.99 HZ)
· A magical and mystical brain state
· Great for deep mediation like a Zen Master
· Allows for vivid dreaming and imagery
· Highly hypnotic state of mind
· Ignites intuition and intelligence beyond your normal awareness
· Ideal state for learning and memory
· Creates a sense of calmness
Fun Fact: Theta is the most receptive brain state
Alpha state (8 to 11.99 HZ)
· An alluring and relaxing brain state while you are awake
· The state of mind which allows for high creativity
· The alpha state enhances your ability to recall memories and learned skills
· Be able to visualize easier
· Feel more mentally coordinated
Fun Fact: Many highly creative and intuitive people have dominant alpha brainwaves
Beta state (12 to 39.99 HZ)
· An alert and attentive state of mind
· Problem-solving and decision-making mode
· Being in a beta state, you are better at a cognitive task
· Beta state promotes emotional stability
· Energy levels soar in beta state
· You can obtain a “zone focus” and concentrate easier
Fun Fact: Most humans operate in a beta brainwave state during the day.
Gamma state (40 to 100 HZ)
· Highest brain performance state
· State of mind in which ideas form freely
· You experience an extremely high concentration level
· Energy levels are at a peak in this brain state
· One processes information rapidly in the gamma state
Fun Fact: Gamma brainwaves are the fastest brainwaves
Our Vibrating Universe
We live in a vibrating universe filled with unlimited potential. Everything around us is vibrating at different frequencies. You and I are made up of vibrating energy too. On a subatomic level, everything is made up of atoms which are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons. So, what looks physical is essentially energy.
Whenever you think a thought, the vibration of that thought is sent to your vibrating field. Depending on the frequency of that thought, it can influence your overall vibration. The more you entertain certain thoughts, the more you attract similar energy. Once you tune your thoughts in a particular way that raises your vibration, it opens up the door to infinite potential.